Nanobox CNG pictures at City of Tyler

Posted by on Jun 7, 2013 in CNG Equipment, Medium CNG Equipment, pictures of cng station

One of the first unit of Galileo Nanobox CNG installed in US was in City of Tyler, Texas.   This unit was configured to provide CNG fast fill through the integrated dispenser as well as overnight slow fill for several trash trucks used by the city on the daily basis. There are close to 20 CNG operated light duty vehicles ( F150 trucks) also used in the fleet. According to the City, a significant portion of the costs involved in converting the fleet, and building the...

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Galileo Nanobox CNG Station

Posted by on May 20, 2013 in CNG Equipment, Large CNG Equipment, Slider, Small Business CNG Fueling

Galileo Nanobox CNG Station

Plug-and-Play Galileo Nanobox CNG station, specifically designed for private NGV fleet and small CNG filling stations. This equipment provides a convenient and attractive solution for the needs of this market. The package integrates compression, storage and a complete CNG dispenser in a single unit. Nanobox covers a wide range of inlet pressures. There are also options with remote dispatch (not incorporated in the Nanobox). Nanobox® is an integral solution that allows...

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